Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back in the USA

So I am currently writing this message from America... I have returned but so much to tell, it will likely be at least 10 posts because I did and saw so much in the last two weeks. I will do my best to write one or two posts each day to recount the end of my trip, although I know I will be seeing my family this a lot starting today and on Sunday so some of you will learn the details of parts of my trips prior to my posts. Overall I had an amazing time albeit exhausting....However traveling to six countries in two weeks is quite a lot and then to finish I returned to Aalborg with just enough time to pack up, clean my room and say my last good byes before an early plane ride the next day.

I do have to say it is ridiculously hot today and yesterday here in the US. And the humidity wow, not like it was in europe, much more temperate due to being farther north... I would also like to comment that I legally purchased my first beer in America today, Long Trail Belgian White for those who care, and I was super excited because the liquor store had a great selection of imports including some amazing beer I tried in Belgium. For those of you who are unaware Belgium is more or less the undisputed country that is the king of beer... And they had for a measly $5.50 a bottle one of the best ones I tried in belgium sitting on the shelf which made me happy until I saw the price and that made me sad but in the store in Belgium it was slightly more than 3 Euro ($~4.50) so that made me think that it was not a horrible deal...

It is sad and happy to be home in America, for many reasons, most of which are rather obvious. Although after traveling for weeks in countries where they do not even speak the same language I had the most stress in difficulty in Newark Airport... Gotta love America... I will explain the specifics later but I just wanted to say a quick hello world..