Saturday, June 18, 2011

I am back!

Yes I know I have had quite a hiatus from blogging, but now I have some time to sit down and recount the very many things that have happened since I last wrote. I guess I will start with a quick status update as of right now, then I will go and outline Karneval, Ireland, Finals and my big up coming trip. Each of those will be separate posts so that should keep them from being too lengthy.

So currently I am enjoying my last weekend in Aalborg. The weather here has been pretty good, some days are warm and cloudy, others warm and sunny and others warm and rainy but it is never very cold even at "night." I have finished all my finals except for my project defense which I am doing on Monday starting at 8:00am! That involves a group power point presentation that should last ~35 minutes and then one by one we each go in front of the panel (Made up of our faculty adviser and a professional from the field, in our case a guy who works for Vestas, since we are dealing with wind turbines). We each talk to the panel for about 30-45 minutes and afterwords we will receive our grade... I am not really nervous for it though, which may not be a good thing, but I have spent so much time on the project that I feel that I do really know all I need to do well.

I want to address the concept of night time, in Denmark as in all of Scandinavia they don't really get the concept, especially in the summer months. This is due to the fact that currently the sun sets sell after 10:00 pm but it dusk until well past midnight and since the sun rises a little after 4:00 am  it starts to get light around 2:00-2:30. Therefore it is only dark for a short amount of time but even still it is actually never really dark it is just not light and if you look north even around 1:00-2:00 when it should be "darkest" you can clearly see light. It is kind of weird an crazy, especially now as we are approaching the longest day of the year... Going home is going to feel like I am heading into winter because of the lack of daylight. It does throw me off sometimes because I am used to eating dinner in the summer around when the sunsets, so sometimes I kinda forget to eat dinner because it is still light out and I eat dinner at night, when it is dark out. Which doesn't really happen so I end up eating dinner some nights at around 10:00 pm when I finally realize how late it is...

I am also starting to plan the whole packing thing and returning to the US etc. I have enjoyed my time hear and I am really excited for my trip, but I am definitely ready to return home. There are somethings that I do miss about the US, like goldfish... I know it is going to be a little weird to have everyone speaking a language I can understand, and not having accents, and stuff like groceries will be in English. In Ireland I had this realization and after so many times of buying Kylling instead of Chicken or Ost instead of Cheese, it was weird to see the english names on food.

Ok thats about all for this bit, next is Karneval.

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