Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My little accident

So unfortunately I have no pictures to document this, however I had a small accident this weekend. On Friday I was biking home when I made a series of poor decisions that lead to my situation. Here is how it all played out:

I was approaching a rotary that I would have to cross to get home. I was traveling with a good amount of momentum that I wanted to keep up because there was a long flat section after the rotary that leads to a downhill and I wanted to be efficient (lazy) and not have to work very hard in that section. So here were my errors, I slowed a bit as a approached but the path makes a sharp curved turn left so that it goes around the rotary and then to cross the street it makes an immediate 90 Degree turn right. I decided that I would try to perfectly execute the straight line maneuver to minimize turning and therefore be able to do this at higher speed. This is something I could have easily accomplished at home due to my nice mountain bike. Especially because at home I would just blast off the curb and ignore the path in this situation. However here in Denmark I have an old (i am guessing it is older than me in fact) road bike with, bad brakes, low tires, and a lose chain and no suspension. So I knew if I went off the curb I would derail my chain and have to come to a stop anyways. So I went for it. Turns out my bike is really not good enough to make that type of precision movement so as I attempted to make the right angle right hand turn I turned my wheel to much and at too great a speed and when flying into the road head first...

Amazingly I got up and felts my arms and legs and noticed that I was virtually unscathed. I had a small bit of "road rash" on my right palm and a bump on my left knew from hitting the bike as I fell, but that was it. Then I felt around with my tongue... And boom the real damage was apparent, I had chipped one of my front teeth. I was no a stranger to chipped teeth in fact the other front tooth, I have chipped four times. I knew it was not a bad chip because it did not hurt even when I poked it with my tongue but I knew it was till a bummer because it meant a trip to the dentist to get it repaired. And the real bummer was that now I had come to a complete stop and I still had to do all the pedaling I tried to avoid in the first place...

After some help from my Danish group mates I contacted a dentist the next day but unless I wanted to pay a lot of money I was advised to wait until the week because the weekend dentist is extremely expensive and I was not in pain so I did jut that. Today I am happy to report that my mouth now again has a good set of teeth. After a quick and nearly painless procedure (no Novocaine etc due to lack of damage near the root= it didn't hurt to eat etc) but the drilling wasn't so pleasant. All I can say is I have chipped my teeth 5 times in 21 years so about once every four years, doing that math out when I am 80 that would be 20 chipped teeth or more likely at that age dentures... Hopefully not but it was pretty funny to think about. 

PS my bike suffered slight damage in the crash as well, the front reflector broke off but it is a non-essential part so it just adds to something else broken on my bike...

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