Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Theoretical Travel Itinerary

The following itinerary is just my concept so far and is subject to change a lot due to costs varying sometimes by hundreds of dollars if I change one day. I have broken my time into one week increments starting on the Monday of that week (Therefore current time it is the March 7 week).

March 7 Weekend in Copenhagen
March 14 Weekend trip to ?????? (Unconfirmed perhaps I will remain in DK and travel to another city)
March 21 Weekend at AIK- we have a big event planned!
March 28 Weekend to Gotenburg Sweden by Ferry
April 4 Beginning of Birthday weekend Perhaps trip to Amsterdam
April 11 Perhaps a trip to Amsterdam or Elsewhere close ??????
April 18 Family arrive in Denmark- Trip to Finland, Latvia and hopefully Estonia
April 25 Work time-classes end
May 2-Work on project!
May 9 Work on project perhaps interrupted by a midweek trip to Germany
May 16 Work on Project
May 23 Finish project - Lyndsay Arrives-Carnival!!!!
May 30 Trip with Lyndsay to Northern Italy
June 6 Finals
June 13 Finals and project presentation and defense preparation
June 20 Project Defense and beginning of my big trip time will be spent in France
June 27 Spend time in Belgium, Germany, Austria and Czech through then end of my time in Europe
July 4 end of my big trip in Czech then return to the US july 6th

I am going to be pretty busy but I am very excited. I know I can not hit all the places I wanted to go however I am already planning my return to Europe hopefully summer 2012. The places I am missing include but not in any order other than roughly east to west: Reykjavik Iceland, Dublin Ireland, Edinburgh Scotland, Lisbon Portugal, Granada Spain, Barcelona Spain, Toulouse France, Marseilles France, Nice France, Geneva Switzerland, Catania/ Palermo Italy, Naples Italy, Rome Italy, Zagreb Croatia, Salzburg Austria, Lichtenstein Lichtenstein, Stockholm Sweden, Budapest Hungary Bucharest Romania, Athens Greece, Istanbul Turkey, Warsaw Poland, St Petersburg Russia, Kiev Ukraine and perhaps a few more that I can not think of off the top of my head. However they will be not forgotten and I hopefully will see them all some day. If you think I missed some it may be because I am planning on going to see that city already, if it is in a country I have not listed or you think I would like it anyways please tell me.

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